Here we go now…
1. The age of my birthday
I am turning 20 next September '10. oh-my-god, 20?! time flies so fast! i am gonna old.
i guess i must be ready to take challenges, to deal with risks, to make rough decisions, etc. loads of serious stuffs ahead.
2. A place i’d like to travel to PARIS! yes, paris. the most romantic country in the world. i'v almost crazy bout this! haha
and AUSTRALIA! i fall in love with this country since i don’t know when.
3. Favourite places
my bedroom's boarding. picture above isn’t mine. hahaha. but i’d love to have one like that.
my bedroom is my heaven on earth, my playground n i can do everything that i want there! :D
o iyaa, yes, shopping center if i have the money as much as well.
i can't live without tissue!
my handphone
SHOES! i can never ever get enough of them. my everytime favourite is flats with bows.
DORAEMON! i’m his big fan, seriously.
I simply love most of colors, PINK exception.
i was born in Jakarta then travelled to few different cities in Indonesia.
DKI Jakarta
this is very old photograph i think. because the mosque isnt like that n better now! :p
9. A nickname I have
10. College Major
English Education Study Program. isn’t the picture clear enough?! it is the best picture i can find so far. hehe. i so much hope that in spit of my very lack teacher’s way of thinking that i have now, i could be a great one someday *nod wisely*.
family, boyfriend and friends. they are the most precious gift and my best achievement that i have in my life. they complete my life, i wouldn’t ask for more.
12. A bad habbit
i am not a morning person. i rarely wake up before than 5.45 a.m. haha. even if i have set an alarm, it won’t disturb me travelling in my dreamland. haha. i will automatically turn it off and continue sleeping.
i'm the lazy one if i have to take a bath in the evening. haha. my mom always yelling to me everyday in the afternoon!
careless. i have lost many things because of my careless!
im a forgetful-person indeed! hahaha. i do remember what's people say, where am i put / taking something, remember what should i have to do, RIGHT NOW. and gonna be stupid person n amnesia in 30 minutes later then! that's why i have to write everything in my reminder so i can remember all those things i should do. :p
13. A hobby EATING! that's why my body isn't good enough! hahah
SHOPPING. hahaha. all girls do shopping :D
my Graduation
studying abroad, get the master degree and work afterward.
get married with my prince charming :))
have a small and happy family.
own a boutique and restaurant side by side or something like that. :D
have a great journey around the world with my beloved ones. =*