
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Silent Tears

"If I could have you back tomorrow. If I could lose the pain and sorrow I would do just anything to make you see. You still love me

I cry silently. I cry inside of me. I cry hopelessly

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again

I cry

Cause you're not here with me

I cry

Cause I'm lonely as can be

I cry hopelessly

Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again..."

"You were my sun. You were my earth.  But you didn't know all the ways I loved you..."

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Pep Guardiola Quits as a Barcelona Coach, Tito Vilanova Replaces.

It is so saaaad for me hearing Pep's going to leave Barca at the end of this season :'(

I know, he is a type of person who anti-fails in any match. After a difficult season on and off, Barca was kicked out of champions league and la liga within a week! And it sucks!

Only biased haters can degrade Pep! With time, you will understand that he's one of the best strategists ever in football.

Is it easy to win a treble in your first assignment as a league club coach?

Did Mou achieve that?

Another coach looking for money would have gone ahead to sign with another club (fyi, he has loads of offers!), but he is spending 1 year to go back and invent another style of football. I wish he can be on retainer with Barca after his 1 year leave. Any club that lands him then will have a treasure in their hands.

He knew since he'll leave end of this season; you can understand his numerous experiments with 3-4-3 and also honing the skills of La Masia guys (like Thiago, Tello, Cuenca, etc) thus bequeating some assets to the new manager. And you can also see him involved in getting a new coach for the club.

I doff my hat for Pep!! Adios Maestro. I'll miss you. We will. Viscá Barcá! :)

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Friday, April 6, 2012


It is true that if you love someone over, you'll end up by hurting yourself deeper than you have thought before. I know, Love is innocent and when it comes to love we can do nothing except become its slaves.

Mungkin aku terlalu cinta, mungkin aku mengharap banyak. Tetapi seharusnya aku tahu, aku telah menurunkan banyak sekali klasifikasi yg aku buat pada saat aku pertama kali ingin belajar tentang cinta. Dan itu hanya demi kamu.

Aku mengalahkan banyak ego diri agar bisa tetap memahami dan menerima segala kekurangan yg dimiliki seseorang apa adanya, berusaha untuk tahan godaan ketika ada yg 'lebih baik' menghampiri. Karena aku pikir, kamu itu lbh terbaik dari yang lebih baik. Dan itu hanya demi kamu.

Mungkin benar ada kalanya orang lain itu merasa bosan dan jenuh. Yang aku benci adalag kenapa aku tidak pernah merasakan hal itu seutuhnya. Kenapa selalu orang lain yg bisa berlaku seperti itu sama aku.

Dan kali ini, disaat kejujuran dipertanyakan.. Disaat kejujuran dihalalkan demi sebuah alasan yg menurut sebelah pihak itu 'baik'.. Disaat kejujuran mungkin lambat laun akan kehilangan artinya sendiri.

Disaat kepercayaan diragukan.. Disaat kepercayaan mulai luntur.. Disaat kepercayaan mungkin akan hilang pada akhirnya.

Aku belajar untuk mengubah cara berpikir aku, mengubah gaya berkomunikasi aku, mengubah agar lebih bisa sangat jujur, terbuka dan apa adanya sama kamu. Tapi lagi dan lagi, mungkin kamu belum tau apa artinya 2 HAL diatas, kejujuran dan kepercayaan.

Aku meragu. What am I supposed to do, God? Should I leave it then  move on or should I just accept this just the way it is?

I know You have created something wonderful and Amazing for me behind these unacceptable matters, God. I believe that You will always be here with me no matter how smooth or hard of time I've been through. If he is the only best for me, please make it easier to through it all the matters. But if he isnt the good one for me, please send the better one soon. Remove all the good feeling inside of me and please help me moving on. I just dont want to waste my time for something useless. *sigh

Thanks God.