
Thursday, June 28, 2012


I wanna make you smile whenever you’re sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you

I’ll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you

I’ll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you’ve had too much to drink
I could be the woman who grows old with you

All I wanna do is grow old with you

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Two-Faced People are Around the Corner

This time, I wanna talk about people who are Two-faced, Hypocrites, Backstabbers, Liars or whatever you want to call them. This post is a conclusion of my own experiences and nothing else but it.

So yess, I have been in this such a horrible moment 2 TIMES so far, actually. You can say that I AM  FOOL, I know that for sure. I was too far for being a smart person! I should have learned from last experience though, but I admit it, I didn't even recognize such a time. I was too over-joy of my life.

But I promise, till this time going on, I WILL NEVER be trapped anymore. I have more than enough experience for this! You know, you don't have to go around the world just in case you want to know the world. I supposed you know what I mean...

My parents always stressed on the idea that all people should be given a chance, if those people were a bad influence then next step will be trying to make them fade away slowly with no harm to be done, but if those people turned to be good, then we should try to let them stick around and stay in our lives. 

Strangely, it has never been cleared to me, how to deal with Double Faced motherfuckers, so learning the hard way so well was good idea I guess, but I do believe, hopefully someday they'd realize what they had already been doing that what they had done is hurt someon else's heart so freakin' hurt!

if you blame me for whatever I did 'many years ago', I'm SO SORRY for that. For God's sake, nobody's perfect. Everybody knows and familiar with that such a sentence, but nobody really understands. I did many wrong ways, but I do improving myself along the way though. So please, don't expect me to always be good and kind and loving on you. There are times when I'll be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand. I am just like you dear, an extra-ordinary human being, I cannot push myself more than that. 

This is how it goes then: I will respect those who respect me, and forget those who forget me. I'll be the reflection of yourself in treating your life. Simple as that. 
Thank you.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Best Friends?

You know what the best feeling in the world is?

Having a best friend, that one person who loves you & never judges you no matter what, and no matter how badly you fuck up. Someone who you have endless conversations with and can communicate by just using your eyes. That one person who just walks in your house, opens the fridge and grabs whatever they want out. Lastly it’s that person who knows so much about you that they could ruin your life in a second. But you trust them with your life and you know that they will never ever do that no matter what.

Your best friends are your release. They are who you have the most fun with, and yet when the going gets tough, those people turn around and suddenly they’re not just making you laugh, they’re being this rock and giving you all their advice. Even though you’re so much your own person, if you dissect yourself, I guarantee you that your friends are in there. Their influence is incredible. Best friends are what you need most.

All friendships have ups & downs &, for whatever reason, girls can be incredibly bitchy to one another for no apparent reason. That’s the problem with us, we’re too much alike. We’re stubborn asses & always want to get our own way. We both hate to be wrong & love to be right. But that’s the thing about love. No matter what happens, we always come back for each other one more time.

I believe that friends can last forever.

I believe that friendships can go on without fights.

I believe that friends are supposed to try their best to be there for the other.

I believe that friends understand and trust each other.

I believe that friends would choose you over their boyfriend.

I believe that friends will never ignore the other.

I believe that friends are open with each other.

I believe that friends don’t lie to each other.

I believe that friends won’t blame the other for something that wasn’t even their fault.

I believe that friends trust what each other say more than other people.

And I believe that friends love each other more than themselves.

I’ve been walked on, used and forgotten and I don’t regret one moment of it because in those moments, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned who I can trust and can’t. I’ve learned the meaning of friendship. I’ve learned how to tell when people are lying and when they’re sincere. I’ve learned how to be a teenager, and how to grow up when I need to. I won’t ever take what I have for granted. This is life, live it one day at a time. You never know how many days you’ve got left.

And Friendship, it is  just like a party; you invite a lot of people invited to the show, some go, some join you and some laugh with you, some don’t come. But in the end after the fun, there would be a few who would clean up the mess with you.  Thats what we called Bestfriends.

And I wish I would grow old with all my best friends together. We would hang out and talk and maybe we could bring our grandchildren along, and when they ask us how long we’ve been friends, we’ll smile and say, “almost forever”.

Actually,  Life’s not about people who act true to your face. It’s about people who remain true behind your back.

Best friends are the ones you sing out loud with, act crazy around, the ones you cry & laugh all night long with, trust with, the ones you love, & yes those are true BEST FRIENDS!

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