Before He sent me down to Earth, I made a deal with God about the mother who would give birth to me. I asked Him for a perfect mother, but of course He wouldn’t give me one because humans were never designed to be perfect. He said it was because He wanted humans to be a blessing for one another, that their presence could complete someone else’s and make themselves perfect in their own way. So I made it simple and asked for nothing but a mother who wanted to have me.
And I put no expectations on living an awesome life on Earth.
We first met in September 1990. You’re okay. You might not be as beautiful as Princess Diana but you’re okay. I had not known you a lot, though. But I knew for sure you wanted me. Cause you nursed me well and sang me beautiful lullaby. And my cynical thoughts told me it’s only because I made a deal with The Mighty at the first place.
As I grew older, you taught me a lot of things, to which I sometimes disagreed, but we always ended up making up to each other. And you ended up right most of the time. You sent me to the best schools you could afford. You also made the best meals I could have ever tasted. Pampered me with the energy you have left after long days working at home. You certainly earned my respect. And for that my love grew to you. Even fonder when I was in my teenage rebel phase and you never judged me for everything I had done. You instead taught me three basic things on how to become a true woman; that women should be independent, smart and respectful on their beings.
I never thought life on Earth could be this lovely. And I never thought there’s a ordinary woman as awesome as you. God had finally sent me to the right woman.
Terima kasih Ma, karena selalu berjuang untuk aku. Terima kasih, karena memahamiku. Dan tidak pernah memintaku untuk menjadi orang lain. Terima kasih, karena selalu berada disana, di setiap saat aku membutuhkan pelukanmu. Terima kasih, karena tetap mempercayaiku, when the world turns its back against me. Terima kasih, karena telah menjadi sosok Mama yang selama ini memang aku butuhkan. Dan untuk every little things yang tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata.
You’re such a blessing, and for that I would ask for nothing but a little longer time to be with you. I love you, forever and always.
your daughter.