
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30/11/2011 : Awesome

Today was really fun! Me, Mpep, Winda, Mute and Ayu went to Palembang Square Mall because Winda and Mute invited us to attend their invitation of having lunch then karaoke together (spent loads of money from their Liaison Officer and Volunteer on the last Sea Games salary. Haha NO ONE CARES! :P)

Okay then, talking about us, I want to tell you something. Still remember about my friendship internal conflict? Well, actually, the reality happened worse than I have ever thought! Right now, we are divided into 3 groups! HAHAHA wtf! Awful!

Jelita is more closer with kebocep group, Mute's side is getting better with me, Preti and Ira are just two! I dont know what to say anymore, I have told you that I have given up, is it?! YES! And thats why I dont wanna care about them anymore. The condition of almost 3 years ago repeats again. During those hard times, now Iam starting to know Who my really best friends are! And lets see the result then. Everybody has their own right to choose whatsoever they like, include the friendship-thing. People have their right to choose whoever they want to be friends or bestfriend with. So do they. So do I :)

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

DOA #3 : Menjadi Pribadi Yang Lebih Sabar


Tuhanku Yang Maha Kuat dan Maha Sabar,

Terima kasih atas atas pagi yang indah ini.

Rahmatilah upayaku untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih sabar.

Aku mohon Engkau menjadikan aku sangat sadar, saat aku mulai marah karena tersinggung oleh kata-kata atau perilaku orang yang kasar kepadaku, yang merendahkanku, atau yang mengabaikan niat baikku.

Mampukanlah aku untuk memilih raut wajah, sikap, suara, dan kata-kata yang baik, bahkan saat aku marah.

Sehingga, aku mampu marah yang tampilnya tidak marah, atau sama sekali tidak marah, tapi tegas dalam keanggunanku, dan anggun dalam ketegasanku.

Tuhan, mudahkanlah aku untuk berhasil dalam proyek perbaikan diriku .

Jadikanlah aku jiwa yang anggun karena kesabaranku.



Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Closing Ceremony of Sea Games 2011

Hi fellas! Sorry for not blogging for a while. So here I am now want to tell you all about what exactly happened to me last night. So yes, My boyfriend 'Fadhil' and I went to the closing ceremony of seag2011. For the first time I back home that late , for the first time also my parents gave me permit for going out with a 'stranger' (I mean, another person except my family). I was sooo effin' excited I could die! HAHA but I feel disapointed because rain came suddenly at that time, yeahh so many people used umbrella or raincoat to cover up their body from the rain. Fyi, we got goody bag (content of umbrella, plastic raincoat, colorful sparkling flashlight, neck flashlight, and glow in the dark bracelet) as a souvenir from that event. And that souvenir was really-really 'useful' for the audience! LOL zzzz

fadhil and I under the rain used umbrella and raincoat :p

The ceremony ran smoothly and better than the opening. The arrangement of light, dancers, singers and fireworks were incredibly awesome, I could say no more about that. You can see these photos. These photos was taken from my Galaxy Mini Camera Phone, so sorry for-not-really-good quality photos.

The cutest moment is.. I was spend my half-day in a beautiful evening of the spectacular event of Seagames together with my beloved one :)

it's him

it's me

And the next day (which means today) is also our 2 years 8 months anniversary!! :D



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Friday, November 18, 2011

DOA #2


Tuhanku Yang Maha Pemurah, Aku tahu bahwa rezekiku sangat dekat, tapi masih tertutup tabir yang tak dapat kutembus dengan mata dan hati yang pengeluh dan kurang bersyukur.

Tuhan, bantulah aku untuk menjadi jiwa yang lebih kuat daripada masalahku dan jadikanlah bersyukur sebagai bakat hatiku.

Aku mohon agar Engkau menjadikan sekecil-kecil kemampuanku sebagai penggali sebesar-besar rezekiku. Damaikan dan sejahterakanlah aku dalam lindungan kasih-sayangMu.


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Friday, November 4, 2011

Quotes #1

Be with someone who knows what they have when they have you. You don't need too many people to be happy. Just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are. And If the ones that loves you don't appreciate you, then someone else will.

Nocte!  ;)

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Doa #1

Tuhan kami Yang Maha Pengampun,

Aku memohon agar Engkau memaafkan diri ku yang masih bersemangat mendengar pujian,

cepat gusar mendengar celaan, yang memberi untuk mendapatkan pujian dan terima kasih, tapi sering lupa berterima-masih, dan sulit mensyukuri keberhasilan orang lain.

Beningkanlah hati ku dari nafsu dan amarah, bersihkanlah pikiran ku dari rencana yang tidak jujur, dan jauhkanlah perilaku ku dari kekejian.

Tuhan ku Yang Maha Sejahtera, Terangkanlah jalan ku menuju rezeki-Mu yang besar, mampukanlah aku melakukan yang harus aku lakukan, tabahkanlah dan menangkanlah aku atas orang-orang dan keadaan yang sulit.



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