
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Closing Ceremony of Sea Games 2011

Hi fellas! Sorry for not blogging for a while. So here I am now want to tell you all about what exactly happened to me last night. So yes, My boyfriend 'Fadhil' and I went to the closing ceremony of seag2011. For the first time I back home that late , for the first time also my parents gave me permit for going out with a 'stranger' (I mean, another person except my family). I was sooo effin' excited I could die! HAHA but I feel disapointed because rain came suddenly at that time, yeahh so many people used umbrella or raincoat to cover up their body from the rain. Fyi, we got goody bag (content of umbrella, plastic raincoat, colorful sparkling flashlight, neck flashlight, and glow in the dark bracelet) as a souvenir from that event. And that souvenir was really-really 'useful' for the audience! LOL zzzz

fadhil and I under the rain used umbrella and raincoat :p

The ceremony ran smoothly and better than the opening. The arrangement of light, dancers, singers and fireworks were incredibly awesome, I could say no more about that. You can see these photos. These photos was taken from my Galaxy Mini Camera Phone, so sorry for-not-really-good quality photos.

The cutest moment is.. I was spend my half-day in a beautiful evening of the spectacular event of Seagames together with my beloved one :)

it's him

it's me

And the next day (which means today) is also our 2 years 8 months anniversary!! :D



Posted via Blogaway

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