
Sunday, February 5, 2012

You Again!

Well, the only thing we always miss when we have already been in a long relationship is all the thing that our lovers used to do in the very first they fell in with us. They did everything every girl wants. They treated their girls nicely like they didn't want to be far away with her though it was only a sec!  When the girl was mad at him, he always tried to find a way to get her attention and her smile again. Doing such a stupid thing isn't all that bad if he can make his girl not mad at him anymore. Sorry seemed the easy thing to say, because he didn't want to be in that scary condition with his girl. He just didn't want his girl feeling unhappy. He felt so damn insecure if there was only a little communication between them. He just afraid of loosing his girl..

1 year passed by

The boy still loved his girl. But his attention was less than the previous. He thought that 'yeaah, she is my girl right now. And I know she will never leave me because she loves me so much.' ofcourse what he thought is right. The girl is still glued by him. The bad part is when she mad, the boy reaction was mad back to her. A war happened. Unhealthy relationship began. The girl decided to break up with him. Realize that he had done wrong thing, he said sorry and promised that he wouldn't do that anymore. He acted nice, gave her more attention again and the girl melted.

2 years passed by

Many temptation come from any sides to this couple. The girl attracted to another boy who was nicer than her boyfriend. But he always think that was a bad idea,  she realized that was not fair for the boy,  it would hurt the boy's heart later on. The girl left the adorable boy for the sake of her.boyfriend. That was not easy movement to let someone better went away.

In this hectic level, the boy might not know about what's already happened with the girl. The boy acted more selfish. When the girl mad, the boy did nothing anymore and just waited for the girl to be back again normally as usual. The boy did something wrong with the girl, he had hurt her, he was calm doing nothing no more sorry came out from his mouth then saying nothing but acted like there was nothing happened between them previously. Broken promises often happen in their relationship.

Feeling unwell with her relationship, the girl thinks back whether she wants to continue her broken relationship or not. But she always thinks one level ahead that the boy. If there were so many negative changing in her only boy and he never wanted to fix all the things up. His words were nonsense! The only boy she loves has changed.. Then what would happen in the future??!

She is thinking again.. And then she is finding herself with an idea, "how if this time I really am gonna  leave him behind then searching someone new? Someone better for my better life ahead?"

She has made up her mind, she chose to leave him behind. And then what happened with the boy? When she said that she wanted to go away from his life, he just realized that he loves her very much and he has done many stupid things so far. He regreted all the things that happened. He said sorry million times but now that was too late, the girl has gotten her own way..

Yes, kita ga bakal ngerasa sesuatu itu sangat berharga sampai kita benar2  kehilangannya.

And for you, it probably will also exist in us. I just feel so damn stupid to keep you all this time. The longer we are together, the more unsatisfication things we found all the way. And it often makes us sick of our relationship.

I feel so dumb moron for thinking about you all the time when I know that you're not thinking about me at all. You do nothing for us. NOTHING!! you have changed.

Posted via Blogaway

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