I WANNA CRY !! T_____________T
One of my high school bestfriends forgot my birthday. We have been besties for more than 8 YEARS. I do love her, but it seems like she doesn't love me as I do. She didnt even have the decency to say happy birthday to me. I'm not gonna lie and say my feelings aren't hurt. I know we all get scatterbrained and forget things, and I don't make a big deal out of my birthday. I don't ask for gifts or things, all I ask and hope for is people not to forget. I never forget hers, and I'm sad she forgot mine :'(
It just... hurt, because I consider her as my best friend and she couldn't even remember my birthday. I don't get it. It's like she's stopped putting effort into our friendship, and it's no longer a 50-50 thing. I know it sucks to see me like this, over-reacting, it seems like such a tiny thing, and it is, yet I still get depressed about it. It affects me more than it should, and I hate it. I wish I would stop getting depressed about such stupid things, but I can't help it.
The thing is, I don't even know if I should bring it up. My feelings are hurt, true, but I know she didn't do it on purpose, and I don't want to make her feel bad. Dilemma, especially when she remembers she forgot. Maybe I just got jealous of her, she has many bestfriends, and she preferred to spend the time with her not with us anymore, I just feel like she has already take aside me as her 'bestfriend' into 'uninteresting-old-bestfriend'. Maybe this whole univeristy-life has made us drift apart, and I will reconcile our friendship if I have a chance to meet her again. I really hope that's the case. If it's not, well, I'll be really sad then.
I really do treasure our friendship. Perhaps, I'll try to forgive her and move on. We all are forgetful, we all make mistakes. I know that it seems mean and insensitive of her, but I do need to be the better person and forgive her, even if she never truly apologized to me.
i love them so much!