
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy 5-year Anniversary

To you,

You came into my life in 2009, showed me enormous amounts of love and LOOK where we are today! Today is our 5 year anniversary. Can you believe it? I can’t help but smile knowing we’ve been in relationship that long!

What a journey it’s been!

It is no secret we’ve had our tough times. Last year was particularly hard for us, but with God’s grace, we are better than we’ve ever been. He helped us overcome some tough stuff, and the outcome? Now I feel closer to you, I feel more comfortable with you, and I am so much happier. There were days I wasn’t sure about continuing on, but now I see us together for the rest of our lives, and I have confidence we will work through any issues that could come along and try to stop us.

I know that is a rough start to a love letter, but I think it is such a testament to our love for each other. I am so thankful for what we went through, it was painful, but we are stronger than ever.

I hope to continue to grow in our relationship until our last days. I pray that I can be the best wife to you later on; loving, supportive and encouraging. I want to respect your authority and honor your role as a provider and protector in my life. I will continue to work on some of my weaknesses, like negativity, doubting and forgiveness.

I just want to say, I am glad you’ve been ‘calling me out’ for some of these things lately. You are helping me express my feelings in a better way. I appreciate that you can tell me when I am being ridiculous, or exaggerating an issue too far. I hope that I can take your comments lightly and get over things easier! I will try to forgive and forget faster, I know how bad I can be at that! I am challenging sometimes, and I want to thank you for dealing with my emotional breakdowns and for making me a better person along the way.  Thanks for loving me when I am difficult- through thick and thin.

Despite some fights and individual stubbornness, I’d say we’ve had a pretty amazing five years. We’ve made big and small decisions as a team, we’ve made new friends and shared lots of good times with those new and old.

But most importantly, we’ve learned to love each other unconditionally.

And you make it easy to love you.

There are so many reasons why I love you and if I had known the day I met you, the joys that were to come, I may have not believed them. You are more than I could ever tell you and I will never be able to thank you for making my life so unbelievable.

Happy five year anniversary, my love nta.

I love you!

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