Just stay positive even if you know your life is suck!
That is the hard thing to do I know.. But every person matters to someone. You're alive for a reason. And you have to prove it. When you’re feeling down just think of the things that brought you in that situation.
You think your life sucks for no-matter-what reasons. Consider everything you have in life, your family, your friends, your money, and just think that you have all that while someone might has not even a family or someone to love him back.
Appreciate yourself. Don't think you do belong to nothing. Find out what you like and stop being sorry for yourself. You can fix almost everything, if not everything.
“Show me the person who complains about not having name brand sneakers or designer shoes and I’ll show you the person with no feet!”
I have ever been in this kind of situation, when everything turned out the light, when my life felt suck, when nobody wanted to hear me and so forth. But every time I remind this to myself I feel sorry and it makes me feel that, it's not all about looking good but feeling good.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. Try and look on the inside, and not the outside, and everything's going to be OK! Even with all the ups and downs in life, always remember yaaaa.. Stay positive! :)
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