
Friday, September 9, 2011


Voilaa !!!
by the way, today is my birthday loooh! yaaaayyy !! hahaha

am I happy ? ofcourse !

ultah yang keberapa ?

my 17th + 4th ...yeaah, you do the math ! hahaha.. I can hardly say I'm turning 21 (wow ! really old and ready for getting married ! lol), so I think 17 + 4 sounds better for some reason. LOL 
I just can't believe how the years have flown by so fast. not mention how much I've matured over the years, yes guys, I still need your help for helping me getting my best achievement ahead.

so yess, thank you for giving me the gifts and saying greetings and prayer to me, guys. those mean a lot to me than anything. seriously..

for my Lord, Allah swt, thank you for still giving me a chance to breathe everyday, enjoy the beauty of Your nature,
for my parents, thank you for the best prayers, may I can be a daughter as you two always wishes everyday ya pak, mah.
for my younger brother and his girlfriend, thank you for the pair of shoes-nya yaahh.. baguss hahaha :p
for my lovely
for my only boy, thank you for the prayer and call in the mid night nyaa. I love you so freakin' much !
for my best friends, thank you for the prayers also. some of you made a good text I think, bikin aku terharuu. haha
for my friends, thank you for greetings and prayers in my wallpost on facebook !
dan semua yang ga bisa aku sebutin satu-satuuuu,, teeetteeuuuppp, makasih banyak yaaaahhh.
God Bless US !

semoga aku tambah rajin ibadah dan di sayang Allah SWT.
semoga aku bisa jadi yang terbaik untuk semuanya.
semoga bisa selalu membahagiakan, membuat bangga, dan berguna untuk semua orang.
dijauhkan dari penyakit hati.
semoga kuliahnya lancar dan dikasih kemudahan untuk segala urusan.
semoga mendapat pekerjaan yang bagus nantinya
semoga jadi orang sukses !
semoga dapet jodoh yang baik dan yang terbaik dari yang terbik Ya Allah,
semoga mendapat keturunan yang sholeh dan sholehah nantinya.
semoga bahagia sampai tua.
semoga meninggal dalam keadaan khusnul khotimah
semoga bahagia dunia akhirat,
may I have long prosperous years to come !
selalu di beri yang terbaik !
amiinnnn Ya Allaaahhh ... :')

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