Hallo, here is me again. Yes, writing again. I just came back from the hospital visiting my Daddy, have I ever told you all, about my Daddy’s condition lately ? hmmm.. he is sick, he got thypus and GE (Gastro Enteristis or also known as Diare in Bahasa), he ate Soto, one of Indonesian delicious food, my Mom gave it to him as Makan Sahur, then in the morning he had a very bad cramps in his tummy. He screamed out loud, and I took him to go to the nearest hospital around my area, he was examined by the doctor in IGD (Instalasi Gawat Darurat) and recommended for inpatient for several days, but you know that, it’s been 5 days that my Daddy is still lying on his bed on that hospital, padahal sih udah ngerasa sembuh dia-nya. Hahaha ! ok, enough for telling you about my Daddy, yeah just pray for him,
get well soon Dad ! :*
I wanna tell you all about what happened in this day.
In this afternoon, my close-friend, Mutiara Ayu, was coming to my home when I was busy with my Facebook . hahaha ! she was coming with –katanya-sih- her new boy friend, named… hmm.. sorry, I forgot :p
I am sooo fuckin excited to hear that good news ! FINALLY gitu lohhh. Hahahaha ! then she gave me a gift for my birthday, sandal tidur Doraemon, though I confused about when will I have to wear those sandals. Lol. But thank you so much sweetheart ! :) :)
it's nice, isn't it ?! :))
Then once I was in the hospital, I opened my Facebook and saw my close-friend’s relationship is with another boy and not with the old boy that we usually knew before. I was so effin’ surprised because.. hey, I accompanied her to buy some cakes for the old boy’s party birthday on Friday ! and now, on Sunday I know they are breakin up and Ira is having a new relationship again with another guy? What a shockin’ news ! but again, we all didn’t know what exactly happened during those 2 days, right?! Yes,my prayer is always with you, for your best, dear.. :)
Same story is happening too with my close-friend, Preti Maha Sari, she broke up with her boy friend, who had already been her only boy for the latest 2 years 6 months, I don’t really know about the problems, tapi biasanya mereka sih bakal nyambung lagi :p I’m also hoping for the best for your relationship with whoever that will be your next darling yaa,, my Pretot ! :*
And how about me? Mine? I really don’t know how to explain my own relationship. Mine is same as Preti’s time relationship, yes, we both have been through the ups and downs for about 2 years plus almost 6 months, mine is in March and hers is in February. Back to the topic.. I’m totally angry with him and my anger hasn’t stop yet ! I hate being lied by him, because I never lie to him even a little about anything that often, though it hurts sometimes, but it’s better speak everything honestly than speak with lie ! iya, aku kecewa pada dasarnya, he was the almost perfect man I’ve ever known so far, I trusted him fully, but now.. those were not exist anymore.. he broke my heart with those untruthful words and broken promises ! the worst side is why the fuck I am still totally madly completely eyepopping seriously groundbreaking passionately deliciously in love with him after all the shits he put me through and I don’t know why can’t I just move on with my life ? I just don’t want to think about him anymore. We are end ! and I hate him ! I know every single lie he breaths . I honestly just don’t care anymore. And it’s all his fault . thank you !
And you Dear Myself,
Just stop acting like your breakup was the end of the world. Really, I promise it will get better ! you don’t need to fucking kill yourself over one nasty guy. There are billions of people on this damn planet, yes, you will move on, remember that you really deserve better than this suck-guy. And you’ll fucking live well . Like I said, I promise !
Okay people, need a rest right now. Good night !
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